We will not be cajoled, nor blackmailed into accepting Ramaphosa for a second term as President

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By: Carl Niehaus

The strategy of the indecent early rush, and awful ill-discipline of Stan Mathabatha, to openly support Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa for a Second Term at the January 8 celebrations – even without a mandate from his province – is to peddle the narrative that his candidacy is inevitable, and that he must thus emerge unopposed as President in a context where the ANC is presented as being too weak and fragile to withstand a Presidential contestation.

Thus, they are trying to blackmail anyone with different views into accepting that it is either an unopposed Ramaphosa, or the ANC will be destroyed. This is a slight variation on the theme of the CR17 supporters in the run-up to the 54th National Conference of the ANC in 2017, namely that if Ramaphosa was not to win then his supporters would have broken away and formed a new party, and that this would have destroyed the ANC. Then the CR17 camp argued that the only way to save the ANC, was for Ramaphosa to become President. Remember this was the threat that Derek Hanekom and Pravin Gordahn were pushing. They, and others of their ilk, even made it known that plans were afoot to establish a new party in the event of Ramaphosa loosing.

We have news for those who want to try and blackmail us in this fashion: Their disingenuous strategy of theirs is not going to work. The continuation of Ramaphosa as President is actually what will destroy the African National Congress, and our country. The continuation of Ramaphosa as President is certainly not the way to save the ANC, it is the most certain way to destroy the ANC. Ramaphosa is the most disastrous President that the ANC has had in the 110 years of our existence. The terrible results of the Local Government elections, that reduced the ANC 46.4% of the vote, confirmed this. The alien manner in which he, and his supporters conducted themselves, abusing the longstanding traditions of the ANC that the January 8 celebrations must not be abused for nominations and personal ambitions, only proved that again this past weekend.

Many ANC members throughout the country have been crystal clear, and we will not budge from the position that we hold that #RamaphosaMustGo!

This year a new President must democratically emerge out of the internal organizational processes of the ANC (free from bribing and vote buying), that will save the ANC from the charlatan agent of White Monopoly Capital (WMC) that Ramaphosa is, and bring the organization back to its historical revolutionary task of advancing the FULL (also full economic) liberation of black, and especially African, South Africans.

It is the constitutional and democratic right of every member of the ANC to push for this, and no-one is going to succeed in intimidating or blackmailing us not to execute that right to the fullest.

In short: Ramaphosa WILL be challenged, and he must be replaced as President of the ANC. Anything else is an utter nightmare for the continuing survival of the ANC as Liberation Movement, and a fate too ghastly to contemplate.



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