SA National Christian Forum heads to court over mandatory vaccines

Ofentse Seanego

The South African National Christian Forum (SANCF) is taking the government to court over the proposed mandatory vaccination.

The organisation believes that mandatory vaccination infringes the constitutional rights of our people. SANCF President Bishop Marothi Mashashane said the right of the minority could not supersede the right of the majority.

“It is correctly so, but the question is who the majority is in this case? The truth is the vaccinated are in the majority as it stands. The position of SANCF is not that of opposing the vaccination, but ours is against enforcing it against the will of the people,” he said.

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Mashashane added that if the movement and association of people are to be allowed only to the vaccinated because those who are not vaccinated might infect the vaccinated.

“Why must the protected be protected from the unprotected, forcing the unprotected to use the protection that failed to protect the protected. They’re telling the unjabbed to take a jab because the jab works. And they are telling the jabbed to get a boaster because the jab doesn’t work. All while telling everyone that the unjabbed are putting the jabbed in danger by not getting a jab that didn’t protect the jabbed,” he said.

Mashashane added that everyone has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right—

(a) to make decisions concerning reproduction;

(b) to security in and control over their body; and

(c) not to be subjected to medical or scientific experiments without their informed consent

He said this is the right that they are protecting, and one cannot be discriminated against on the ground of his constitutional right to choose.

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The organisation added that it has withdrawn its Constitutional Court case and replaced it with an urgent High Court application.

“Our application to the Constitutional Court to interdict the government from mandatory vaccination have been withdrawn and refilled with the Pretoria High Court on an urgent basis. We are aware of what our double standard president is planning to do, and we are ready to fight for justice for all,” he said.

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Johannes Willem Kruger

This is my constitutional right as a South African Christian, to choose what I do with my human Body

Mandla Twala

Why are we getting pushed to the coner


Its my constitutional right not to be vaccinated

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