By: Sello Theletsane
The Patriotic Alliance (PA) has defended Limpopo Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba who was recorded in a video having an interaction with an illegal Zimbabwean immigrant who was in a Limpopo hospital.
In the three-minute video which went viral, Ramathuba also tells the patient that she has been operating Zimbabwean patients “for what Mnangagwa is supposed to do”. The MEC has since been lambasted by political parties including the DA and the EFF, with the red berets calling for her sacking while many South Africans supported her on social media.
In a statement, the PA, which has been openly advocating for the deportation of all illegal immigrants said: “There are very few countries, if any, where a foreign national with no legal documentation can expect to receive the same level of healthcare treatment as a citizen of that country.”
“Those who have joined the bandwagon of outrage against Limpopo MEC of health Phophi Ramathuba appear to think South Africa must be the exception. It is a simple fact that illegal immigrants are placing all services of government under enormous strain.”

The PA acknowledged that illegal immigrants were far from the only problem besetting SA, “but to try to downplay the scale of the problem is something that seems only to be done by those among us privileged enough to afford medical aid and private Healthcare”.
The PA challenged “those same angry writers of press statements in the ranks of the DA and EFF to first try competing with illegal immigrants for access to government services and entry-level jobs before they complain about an MEC who has simply had the courage to say something that is obvious to the majority of our citizens.”
While the PA supported Ramathuba for her courage, the party accused her of failing to be honest about the share of the blame” the ANC must carry for the state of our country today”.
“Even so, all those trying to use this as an opportunity to signal their humane virtues should be called upon to explain why they believe South Africa should be the hospital of the world.”
The PA said while the state of SA health care left much to be desired,” it is still in a far better state than what’s found in hospitals and clinics in many other developing countries”.
“Foreigners come here and get free treatment since we have some of the best services in the SADC region. They should at the very least pay for the services. They don’t pay tax in South Africa. We can’t refuse medical care to them, but we can charge for it, as other countries do.”
We support the Minister all the way in everything she said. Her vudget does not cater for foreigners at all.
I support the Minister
I just want to say to my minister thank you to speak the truth your not rong but you speaking the truth no matter what it is true ngimanawe mec ukhulume qiniso asiyekeni Kuba ammendment qiniso qiniso
The minister is right and she was educating the individual that was there because she was going to tell others to come here for the same reason. We don’t have money to help all this SADAC countries and neglect our own people that foughtfor this country. Let them go with their EFF
Yes indeed the DA and EFF is the people who protect undocumented foreigners under the so-called human rights schemes whilst the human rights of with Africa’s are ignored. . I salute the PA for being explicit in its support to the MEC.