Nzimande places UNISA under administration

By: Sello Theletsane

Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Blade Nzimande has served a notice of his intention to place the University of South Africa (UNISA) Under Administration.

Nzimande will announce his decision tomorrow, Friday, 06 October.

In a statement, Nzimande’s department said he had delayed to make his decision on mutual agreement that the period of the written representations be extended to the 4th September 2023.

“Being mindful of the legal and administrative requirements, the Minister awaited the response of the UNISA Council and nothing of substance happened more than a month, instead the Council is going about its business as if there is no pending decision to be taken.”

“As a result, the Minister cannot wait indefinitely without taking a decision.”

Nzimande’s intention to place UNISA under Administration follows the reports of an Independent Assessor, Professor Themba Mosia and the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) on UNISA Chaired by Dr Vincent Maphai.

“As expressed in previous media statements, the Minister is satisfied that the Independent Assessor’s report reveals financial and other maladministration of a serious nature and serious undermining of the effective functioning of UNISA.”

“The Report also reveals that the appointment of an administrator is in the best interest of UNISA and of higher education in an open and democratic society.”

“The Ministerial Task Team (MTT) on the other hand, conducted an Independent Review of the University of South Africa (UNISA), and looked at the issue of ‘UNISA’s mission drift’ – which had massive implications for the financial sustainability and future of UNISA.”

The MTT was also tasked to make a rigorous assessment of how the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its associative disruptions and shifts will affect many aspects of the academic mission, academic programmes, markets and operating model of UNISA.

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