Heavy K’s baby mama pleads for child support

By: Lolo Mhlanga

Dj and music producer Mkhululi Siqula famously known as Heavy K has been slandered by his ex-wife for not supporting their two boys.

Singer Ntombi Nguse publicly confronted Heavy K on Instagram on Sunday evening, pleading with him to assist her to take care of their kids. The couple which divorced in 2019 has two boys.

“You have been toxic from our past relationship till this very day you are toxic. Co-parenting with you is one of the worst experiences I’m going through. It is a constant battle and it’s sad cause I’ve never seen this one coming,” she vented


Their firstborn who turned 6 years in October was diagnosed with cerebral palsy which paralyzed him.

“Your boy is unable to walk, doesn’t have a wheelchair, doesn’t have any medical coverage and at that time all you ever send is 5K,” she said.

Nguse disclosed how difficult it is to take care of a child with special needs especially when she’s not making half of what Heavy K is earning. The singer admitted to “selling her body” to make ends meet for her children. She further mentioned how the child is in need of physio, speech therapy, and hydrotherapy.

“I don’t care whether your things are going well or not. I need you to make a change and make a plan for my kids! Just like I am working and selling my p** to make sure provision for my kids, nawe ke bhuti make a plan.”

She tagged him directly in her posts asking him to make time for the children and at least call them four times a month.

The distressed mother said that she hopes the mother of his last-born never has to go through what she has been through cause when things go wrong he had proved he also turns his back on the kids.


In response to her messages, she shows a screenshot where Heavy K responded to her allegations: “Your toxicity is on another level, your honestly need help and my lawyers will be in touch for defamation of character. I never wanted it to get here because you are the mother of my kids but I can see your main goal is to destroy or make me someone I’m not so I’ll let the law take its course,” he wrote.

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