Discovering the truth – decuplets report to be released on Wednesday

On Wednesday this week, Independent Media will release the findings of the highly anticipated investigations into what really happened with the ‘decuplets’ and their story.


Pregnant or not? Decuplets or not? Government cover-up or not?

These are the questions that have plagued the media and the public since the announcement of the miracle birth of the then disappearing “Tembisa Ten,” which was first broken by Piet Rampedi in the Pretoria News, in June 2021.

On Wednesday this week, Independent Media will release the findings of the highly anticipated investigations into what really happened with the ‘decuplets’ and their story.

The news of Gosiame Sithole’s ten babies has travelled to the farthest reaches of the globe. Initially welcomed and received as a much-needed good news story, amidst the omnipresent COVID pandemic, the story soon took a very different turn. Although initially confirming the birth of the babies, role-players in the ensuing drama, including South African authorities, did an abrupt about-turn and declared the news as “fake.” Two voices have remained strong and consistent throughout – Gosiame herself and Piet Rampedi, who to this day, stands by his story that Gosiame was pregnant.

But someone’s word is not enough in the era of misinformation, disinformation, and the competitive battle for eyeballs and audience numbers. Evidence is required.

Independent Media’s reputation has taken a beating over this story. There’s no denying this. But, as it has done for over a century of integrity and breaking stories when it is wrong, it admits and makes reparation.

However, in order to determine the truth, and therefore whether reparation is required, investigations are needed. In this case, there have been several concurrent fact-finding missions – internally by the editor, the office of Independent Media’s Press Ombudsman, Independent Media’s investigation division, and an independent external investigation, chaired by Advocate Michael Donen.

What they have discovered is nothing short of explosive.

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