JOHANNESBURG- The countdown has begun towards an exciting new adventure for Africa News 24-7. The online news publication, launched in 2017, is undergoing a re-brand that will culminate in a re-launch on August 26, 2021, in Sandton.
The launch will detail some of the new exciting world-class features that will set it miles apart from its competitors. Prominent businesspeople and high-profile politicians are expected to grace the occasion.
Owners of the publication say the past few years have proven the need for an alternative voice to the one-dimensional media landscape.
Co-owner Kenny Kunene said: “When we started Africa News 24-7, we wanted to be the alternative voice. We were met by resistance from the existing media houses, the same media houses which would take our stories and not credit us. They have been hellbent on discrediting us, but what the past few years have shown is that we are a force to be reckoned with.”
Kunene added that the previous years have shown that more media houses doing what we do are necessary, hence the investment into the business to push it to the next level. Gone are the days of a singular news narrative and praise-singing of individuals with skeletons in the closet purely for the benefit of those who control media houses.
“In South Africa, the media seems to be under one editor. When one media house sings praises of an individual, all the others follow. When a media house reports differently to what they are saying, they are quick to describe it as fake news being paddled by sponsored bots,” Kunene said.
From today, as we do our own count down we are setting our sights to August 26, 6 PM, when the media landscape will get a shakeup that will see our publication unveil its new image. Keep watching the space and follow the developments on Thursday live on our website. The link to the live broadcast will be issued on Thursday 26 August.